First event for local communities

On June 29, 2023, at the Research and Development Centre of INVESTEKO S.A. the first event for local community took place.
The event was organized in the form of (Open Day) by plasticLIFEcycle project beneficiary the European Environmental Responsibility Forum (EFOE).
The aim of the event was to present the plasticLIFEcycle project to the local community and to promote pro-ecological behaviour, in particular waste segregation.
We introduced the event participants to the idea of a circular economy, and EkoPartner Silesia team explained how the plastic recycling process works. The event was attended by older and younger residents of Świętochłowice and surrounding towns.
Within the framework of the event were organized animation activities for young children, competitions (largest amount of plastic caps collected). Promotional materials, gadgets and prizes were handed to the participants.
EU flags and roll-ups about the project and information about funding received from the EU were displayed in visible places within the premises of INVESTEKO SA and KWK Polska Towers which were co-organizers of the event. Silesian Culture Centre which manages KWK Polska Towers provided a guide around the KWK Polska Towers for the attendees of the event.
Additionally, a catering company was hired for the provision of snacks and beverages.
The frequency was around 60 people.